
Monday, June 1, 2009

Pyromanic Sims

Want your Sims to set objects on fire at random? Who doesnt?

Download the pyromania trait below, un-rar it and install.

Sorry, links dead...

Choosing the gender of your Sim offspring...

I have it on good authority that eating foods containing watermelon all but guarantees that your Sim-mother-to-be will have a little girl. Eating foods containing apples all but guarantees the opposite.

Note: Lots of different meals contain either watermelon or apples: French toast may contain fruits, Fruit Parfait (apples), Eggs Machiavellian (watermelon), etc. Also, depending on your Sims' favorite foods, they may make other dishes with apples, including pancakes, PB+J, and cobbler.

Stock your fridges wisely! If only it was this easy in real life...

Oh yeah, Sims 3 officially comes out tomorrow!